Thursday, 2 April 2015

My Week in Pictures & Breast Clinic | AimeeBellMua

So this week has been a week of counting down the days until the easter weekend! Hopefully this weekend will help me get refreshed and relaxed ready to go back to college to start my Level 4 diploma in IT. Microsoft geek here I come! 

Not much has happened this week apart from Tuesday I went to the breast clinic for the first time as I found a small pea sized lump. I know this can be quite a scary thing and you think I dont want to go to the docs because you dont want to be told the worst news possible but the sooner you go the better your chances are of it being nothing. 
Luckily the lump I found was just a Fibroadenoma which is a small benign cyst which doesnt usually cause any pain or discomfort. They are usually small and round and are quite mobile! 

If you have never been to a breast clinic before then i will share what generally happens. Once going to see your GP they should be able to tell you there and then whether they think it could be cancerous or benign as they are pretty well trained to tell the difference. They will then transfer you to the Local Hospital to attend the breast clinic. You usually get an appointment within 2 weeks of your doctors appointment. 

Once you get there you are assessed by another doctor there who will check both breasts & your armpit for any other possible lumps. They will then locate the lump and draw a little circle round it so when you go for your scan they can find it pretty much straight away. Again here he will be able to tell you whether he thinks its anything abnormal. 

You are then sent for an ultrasound or mammogram or both (depending on your age, they don't normally do a mammogram if your under the age of 40) 

The scans will be able to show us what we cant see or feel on the outside to confirm if the cyst is benign or abnormal. The doctor then checks the images taken and you get the results that day. 

You will then be told by the doc if you need further tests such as a biopsy or a fine needle aspiration to get it removed. Fortunately the doc said I didnt need to have any further tests so I cant tell you whether the biopsy/FNA is uncomfortable or not. You can read about the procedures here

Again the test results will be sent back to you the same day before you leave the clinic. 

Dont be scared about it as only 4 in 100 women get called back after screening, but please please if you notice anything abnormal go and get checked. The people at the clinic are all lovely and put you at ease and try to make it a pleasant as they can experience for you. 

If any of you want to talk email me and I am happy to answer any questions you may have to I will try answer them to my best ability. 

Lots of Love A xx

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